FIGMENT Opening Ceremony, Saturday 11am

Please join us for the kickoff to the FIGMENT NYC 2013 event, FIGMENT's 7th Season on Governors Island, and the official opening of the Head in the Clouds Pavilion on Saturday at 11am at the Parade ground! Come out to hear from Executive Producer David Koren, FIGMENT NYC Producer Andrea Kirk, and original songs by Son of Ed, including a new song about FIGMENT's principles! Jason Klimoski and Lesley Change, designers of Head in the Clouds Pavilion (winner of the 2013 City of Dreams Design Competition) will officially open the pavilion the public. We look forward to celebrating with you!

FIGMENT NYC 2013 Opening Event

Saturday, June 8, 2013, at 11am sharp
(please take the 10am ferry from Manhattan to be there on time)

Head in the Clouds Pavilion
in the middle of the Parade Ground
Governors Island, NYC Harbor

Want to add something or bring something for the kickoff?
Email us at [email protected].

See you at the FIGMENT NYC 2013 Opening Event!!

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