See our first-ever ALPHA lineup from 2013 below. And check out Kate Friedman's video of ALPHA 2013 here!
Special Events:
ALPHA Opening and Intention Setting—for everyone
Welcome to ALPHA! Please join us as we open the ALPHA weekend and chat a little about why we're here and what this is all about, for us and for you! We really want to hear what brought you to ALPHA and what you hope to get out of this weekend. Oh, and FREE BEER! And maybe fire, too...
Time: 8pm, Friday
Location: Amphitheater
ALPHA Effigy
Kat and Jesse Green have created the first every ALPHA Effigy, and we're going to burn it! It's beautiful, it's fractal, it glows, and it's going to burn up really really nicely!
Time: 9pm, Saturday
Location: by the Lake
Well, that was fun! Join us for a toast to celebrate what we all just created together. We'll bring the champagne. You just show up and smile and say "yay!"
Time: 1pm, Sunday
Location: Dining Hall
ALPHA Art Projects 2013:
“The Cube” by Matt Blakey
Co-create the “extended remix” of DCnotWashington’s 2012 Burning Man structure as they prepare for 2013! Alpha participants will advance and expand upon the existing model – through collaborative exploration of structural design, and experimentation with power generation and plumbing systems.
Location: Esplanade Lawn
“The Squid” by Geva Patz
Are you ready for a mermaid/merman experience on dry land? If you ever had the desire to dance with a sea monster, Alpha will provide you with the chance. A slice of life under the sea will be simulated by a movement dialogue with 24’ long “squid”.
Location: Pavilion
“Hanging Found Garden’s of Ramblewood” by Bardia
At Alpha, a garden grows upward and upcycling moves onward. Using found objects (doing double-duty as planters), participants will construct a living, breathing, multi-story structure.
Location: By cabins 3-6
“Grand Mal” by Todd Polenberg, Ben Bartetlle
A 24' diameter geodesic dome with an interactive audiovisual system controlled by a Magic Hamster Ball. No, really!
Location: Barn
“20 Tents” by Tree (and you!)
If creation is King and participation is Queen, this project’s participants are soldiers in the battle to expand the artsy Empire. Leave your mark on one of 20 Burning Man-bound, child-sized tents. We’ll provide the paint, brushes and other doodle-licious tools. You provide your imagination and messages of goodwill.
Location: near Pavilion
“Duct Tape Transformed” by Sasha/What Would Duct Tape Do
The industrial and the artisanal converge, when ancient paper cutting techniques (Amaze Spirit Figures from Mexico and Wycianki from Poland) are evoked using duct tape. Alpha participants will co-design and co-create an installation using symmetrical duct tape streamers and interactive, sensory-gifting elements.
Location: Basketball court by Barn
“Alpha Foxtrot” by Again, Again! Carol Crump, Mercury John, and special guest collaborators!
Interactive experiments and games with fire and water.
Location: Friday night by Barn on basketball court
"Token Exchange and Loan" by Carol Crump and Mercury John
Part Antiques Roadshow, part Mad Money, Token Exchange and Loan uses a Libor-based investment strategy that promises participants optimal returns. Stop by for a consultation.
Location: Roving all weekend
“Beautiful Bureaucracy” by JoAnna Goldberg
A live canvas, in the form of the Bitch of Beautiful Bureaucracy, will tantalize everyone who enters Alpha’s Kingdom of Mischief. She will be covered in latex, toting a painter’s palette, and encouraging creativity with every glance. But, before you’ll be permitted to leave your mark, you’ll be required to jump through hoops (of both the hula and figurative variety). Alternately, you can bypass the bureaucracy by endowing the Kingdom with a significantly awesome gift.
Location: Saturday, roving
“Psychic Nails” Calling All Parties-Carol, Heather, Mercury John, and Yana
A roving nail-salon and fortune teller.
Location: all weekend, roving
“The Furnace III & IV” by Chassy Cleland
A wooden sculpture supporting a crucible. The sculpture will be burned, heating the crucible, releasing molten metal that will leave behind a casting. The end goal of the Furnace series is to create sculptures that immolate themselves, but create a relic that itself is an artwork.
Location: By Lake; burns on Friday and Saturday evenings
“Up For Air” by Fred
Breathe life into a mystical marine creature, through adornment. Participants will interpret the phrase “coming up for air” using a varied media, on a series of handmade, paper scales (that will be attached to the creature’s form). This “draft” may be re-installed this summer at DC’s Woolly Mammoth theater.
Location: Pavilion
“Forearm-mounted Glampoofer” by danglass
Prototype of a portable forearm-mounted poofer for the budget superhero. I plan to encase one in clear resin, embedded with tritium capsules and formed into a sexy shape for evening wear. We'll also do some gas balloon target practice, mosquito control, and long-distance cigar lighting.
Location: evenings by the Lake
“Upon A Star” by Kate Smith-Morse
“When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true” Make your dreams come true and grow by collecting them on slips of seed paper, folding them into wish stars and hanging them around the grounds throughout the weekend. The stars and their wishes will fall to earth and be planted, ensuring your wishes and dreams continue to grow ever more beautiful.
Location: Various locations, create stars in the Dining Room breezeway
“Optics” by Chris Jordan
Play with a collection of optical things, and work with creating moving laser light. People will be encouraged to interact with the light and manipulate it using a bunch of materials.
Location: Pavilion, Friday and Saturday evenings
Organizing Music: Some Techniques, Tools, Inclinations and Questions by Mikey Microphone
Harness the power of the sonic hashtag! In this workshop, you’ll learn to curate your song lists (and amplify your aural enjoyment).
Time: 5-7pm
Location: TV Room
"Pop-Up Hot Tub" by Tim Schumacher
Shrinking violets and wallflowers will surely uproot, after this workshop. We’ll teach you how to make a “pop up” hot tub, and therefore bring the party, wherever you go (as long as it’s near a water supply and electricity).
Time: 7:00-8:00pm
Location: the hot tub, of course!
"Friendship Bracelets" by Danielle Kling
This workshop will provide the perfect means to express affection for newfound friends.
Time: all day Saturday (repeats Sunday)
Location: wherever you can find Danielle
"Discretion, Distinction, & Disillusion: Being Attractive with Tough Love" by Wing Man Camp
Do you tend to hurt the ones you love, when you offer insights or advice? In this workshop, you’ll learn how to cushion tough truths and transform the way you communicate. We’re confident that this tutorial in nuance will revitalize your relationships.
Time: 9:30-11:00am
Location: TV Room
"Laughter Yoga" by Kate Friedman
You’ll learn to stretch your happiness muscles, at the Alpha Laughing Club. Much like “real” yoga, Laughter Yoga may prove challenging at first – but your body will adapt and your soul will thrive.
Time: 10:00-10:30am (repeats at same time Sunday)
Location: by cabin S
"Poetry for Unpretentious People" by Anna Schumacher
We’ve uncovered the secret to easy eloquence: the Pantoum, a Malay form of non-rhyming poetry, can make novice poets sound like celebrated bards. This session will be anything but snooty, so leave your black turtleneck and your sharp criticisms in your tent. Bring your imagination and an open mind. We’ll provide materials and encouragement.
Time: 10:00-11:00am
Location: meet at Dining Hall Porch
"Crowd-Funding for Artists" by Patty Simonton
Funding is the most elusive of the factors necessary to produce participatory art. Fortunately, StartSomeGood developed a peer-funding model that provides change-makers, artists and social entrepreneurs with a platform to raise money. This session will teach you how to engage the community through successful campaigns, and ultimately raise the funds you need.
Time: 11:00am-12:00pm
Location: TV Room
"Catch and Release: Engaging the Public" by Calling All Parties-Carol, Heather, Mercury John, and Yana
This workshop is an attention-getter (designed with attention-seekers in mind). The constant barrage of communication can make it difficult to direct public interest toward your work. We’ll explore methods that will pique interest, encourage participation, and send them away craving more.
Time: 11:00am-12:00pm
Location: meet at the Dining Hall Porch
"Getting From “No Idea” to Comic" by Jonathan Harford
Bring your inner superhero (or anti-hero) to life, in this comprehensive workshop. Facilitator Jonathan Harford will take participants from brainstorm, to narrative, to rough draft (regardless of drawing ability). Submit your final draft, post-ALPHA, to have your work featured in Harford’s ‘zine “Resilient Brainforest.” Bring your lucky pen!
Time: 11:00am-12:30pm
Location: Dining Hall
"Expressive Voting & Approval Voting: An Introduction and Discussion" by Mike Schwab
Introduce yourself to the theories behind Approval Voting (re-branded here as “Expressive Voting”), and explore the socio-political implications of this pluralistic methodology though group discussions.
Time: 1:00-2:00pm
Location: TV Room
"Mouse Taxidermy Class" by Anna The Russian Spy
Art, science, past and present overlap in “Anthromorphic Taixdermy 101”. Participants will learn the Victorian-era art (the display of taxidermied animals engaged in traditionally human poses) using a mouse, which each anthromorphic taxidermist-in-training may keep. The mouse, materials, tools, props and costumes will be provided. Please note: no harsh chemicals will be used in this session, and no animals will be killed for this class (the mice will be disease-free, frozen mice that are sold for feeding snakes). Maximum enrollment is limited to 15 students.
Time: 1:30-5:00pm
Location: Dining Room-Breezeway
"Tiny Knitting Workshop" by Carly Leinheiser
Create miniature couture, in this addendum to the Mouse Taxidermy workshop! Knitters of all levels – from beginner to expert – are welcome.
Time: 1:30-5:00pm
Location: Dining Room-Breezeway
"Engaging Volunteers" by Calling All Parties-Carol, Heather, Mercury John, and Yana
This interactive workshop will teach you how to retain and maintain a corps of passionate, vision-focused volunteers. Using playful, simulated scenarios, we will explore participants’ strengths and weaknesses, and foster dialogue that will enhance your recruiting efforts.
Time: 2:00-3:00pm
Location: TV Room
"Indian Block Printing" by Emma Tuccillo
If you like to channel the artisanal past, you’ll love this workshop! You’ll learn how to create a contemporary work of art, using the ancient, Indian block printing technique. And don’t worry – we’ll provide the materials, including fabric, dyes, and cardboard (for participants who choose to customize the block shapes).
Time: 2:00-4:00pm
Location: Dining Hall
"Possibility Board" by Amy Short
Have a tough decision to make? Not sure how to sort through all the options? Make a possibility board! It requires paper and a pen and a bit of quiet. A magic decision making device!
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Location: TV Room
"Relaxation Techniques, Complements of Camp Killooleet" by Smash
This guided relaxation will provide calm amidst the creative ‘storms. Whether you’re a Type A stressball or simply over-stimulated, we’ll use Cabin 8 techniques to transport you to the quiet place within. Please bring a blanket, in the event the session occurs outside.
Time: 4:00-4:30pm
Location: meet at the Dining Room Porch
"What Am I Doing Here Anyway? Finding Your Purpose Without Wading Through Any More Philosophical Bullshit Than You Can Stand" by David Koren
If you have an inquiring mind (and low tolerance for philosophical bullshit), we invite you to join this blunt force inquiry into purpose: what it is, what it means, and how to find it.
Time: 4:30-6:00pm
Location: Amphitheater
"Inside Out: Your Story of Personal Growth" by Scot Henry
Art gets very personal in this multi-segment workshop. Participants will perform simple self-extractions of DNA, using household materials. They’ll also create microscopic works of art, using Petri dishes and bacteria captured from their own bodies. 18 hours later the final product will be revealed.
Time: 6:00-6:30 (unveiling at 2:00pm Sunday)
Location: Dining Room
"Circle Massage" by Kate Friedman
Put the “ahhhhhhh” in ALPHA, in this touch therapy tutorial. Participants will spend 20 minutes in a communal (clothed) back-and-shoulder massage.
Time: 6:00-6:30pm
Location: meet at Dining Hall Porch
"Take it Easy, Kumbaya!" by Carlijn
Many of us first experienced participatory art while singing around a campfire. We invite you to summon your youthful exuberance, bring any instrument on which you can carry a tune, and join us at this meetup. Check your self-consciousness at your tent: this will be a safe haven for song – no matter the genre. Meetup leader Carlijn says, of singing “Leaving on a Jet Plane” fireside: “in those wee hours of morning, when the beats and the dances are done, in the soft glow of a fire pit there’s something magically melancholy about that song.”
Time: Saturday evening, after dinner (repeats Sunday 2:00-3:00pm)
Location: Upper Fire Pit
"Forearm-Mounted Glampoofer" by danglass
We can’t wait to unveil the Glampoofer, a budget superhero’s BFF. Lucky spectators will witness this multitasking mammajamma’s abilities to light cigars from a distance, repel mosquitoes and blow gas balloons out of the sky.
Time: Saturday evening, after dinner
Location: by the Lake
"Friendship Bracelets" by Danielle Kling
This workshop will provide the perfect means to express affection for newfound friends.
Time: all day Sunday
Location: wherever you can find Danielle
"How to Collaborate…Without Using Knives" by Calling All Parties-Carol, Heather, Mercury John, and Yana
Collaboration is a surefire way to elevate your artistic output, but competitive instincts threaten the most promising partnerships. We’ll teach you the tips, tricks and techniques that will facilitate constructive co-creation within a team – and you’ll learn to enjoy yourself in the process.
Time: 9:30-10:30am
Location: meet at Dining Hall Porch
"Laughter Yoga" by Kate Friedman
You’ll learn to stretch your happiness muscles, at the Alpha Laughing Club. Much like “real” yoga, Laughter Yoga may prove challenging at first – but your body will adapt and your soul will thrive.
Time: 10:00-10:30am
Location: by cabin S
"Pneumatics for Artists" by Geva Patz
Harness the possibilities of air, art and mobility. If you want to make projects that both move and move, this is the workshop for you. We’ll teach you the basics of pneumatics and direct you to sources of affordable equipment, so you can set your work in motion.
Time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Location: TV Room
"Arduino for Artists: Introducing the Tools of Blinky Art" by Aaron Williamson
If you want your art to encourage interaction (instead of simply facilitating reactions), this session will provide just the jolt you need! We’ll teach you to add basic electronics capabilities to your work, using the beginner-friendly Arduino platform. Afterward, you’ll be able to write simple programs that control LEDs, sensors and more, to immerse your work in dialogue. Limited to 10 participants but groups of up to three people can also work together. Thanks to SparkFun Electronics ( for donating the kits! *Please bring a laptop equipped with a USB port to this session. It will be required for participation.*
Time: 1:00-4:00pm
Location: TV Room
"Blowing Bubbles" by smalls
Reap the physiological (respiratory health) and psychological (relaxation) benefits of bubble blowing with smalls! You can bring your own “magic” wand and solution, or make use of the varied options that we’ll provide.
Time: 1:30-3:30pm
Location: Esplanade Lawn
"Civilisation" by Winkel & Balktick
Masterpiece Classic junkies, unite! Join us for an elegant array of tea, badminton and classical music. Neither parasols nor jackets will be required for entry.
Time: 1:30-3:30pm
Location: Esplanade Lawn
"Convening – Organized" by Kate Smith-Morse
Take the spirit of Alpha home! This meetup will encourage the sharing of ideas and inspirations for future collaborative projects, and facilitate partnerships between like-minded creators. Everyone is welcome, and those with collective/collaborative experience are encouraged to offer advice.
Time: 2:00-4:00pm
Location: meet at Dining Hall Porch
"Take it Easy, Kumbaya!" by Carlijn
Many of us first experienced participatory art while singing around a campfire. We invite you to summon your youthful exuberance, bring any instrument on which you can carry a tune, and join us at this meetup. Check your self-consciousness at your tent: this will be a safe haven for song – no matter the genre. Meetup leader Carlijn says, of singing “Leaving on a Jet Plane” fireside: “in those wee hours of morning, when the beats and the dances are done, in the soft glow of a fire pit there’s something magically melancholy about that song.”
Time: 2:00-3:00pm Sunday
Location: upper fire pit
"Circle Massage" by Kate Friedman
Put the “ahhhhhhh” in ALPHA, in this touch therapy tutorial. Participants will spend 20 minutes in a communal (clothed) back-and-shoulder massage.
Time: 4:00-4:30pm
Location: meet at Dining Hall Porch