The City of Dreams Pavilion, Head in the Clouds, to be installed this summer on Governors Island, will be a venue where visitors can lose themselves in both the cloud-like structure, as well as the clouds in the sky around them. The pavilion requires an assortment of 16 oz/24 oz clear water bottles and 1 gallon milk/water jugs totaling 53,780 bottles.
In order for us to reach our goal, we have undertaken a collection effort which solicits donations from organizations with access to large amounts of bottles, as well as small businesses throughout NYC, offices, and schools.
Head in the Clouds received a donation of over 26,000 bottles from the Philadelphia Marathon on 11/18/12! Here's a recap of our bottle collecting adventure to Philadelphia!
Saturday 11.17.2012
The bottles that were donated by the Philadelphia Marathon were left over from last year's marathon. The bottles remained in a storage warehouse to be used the following year. Due to exposure to sun, the water in the bottles unexpectedly became contaminated. The bottles were going to be discarded until we came to the rescue!
Armed with 4 trucks and a team of 12 volunteers, we emptied all of the water bottles, then loaded the emptied bottles into our trucks back to NYC, totaling 26,968 bottles! The simple repetitious task of emptying these bottles was a great opportunity to connect with the STUDIOKCA designers , friends of the designers, two marathon participants, and two local Philadelphia artists who all formed our strong indomitable team.
With thoroughly worked hands and all trucks loaded to a reasonable capacity, we ended the night with a small sense of victory and a curiosity for tomorrow's jug collection initiative at the marathon; but first, some dinner and sleep.
Sunday 11.18.12
The marathon began at 6 am; arriving before the streets along the marathon route were closed was imperative. With a group of 7, we split into four small teams, each team collecting water jugs from one of the four designated water stops.
My team member who had arrived to the site before I did, won the trust and support of the marathon volunteers. Within moments, we were all working together to fulfill the others goal. We helped the volunteers distribute water jug boxes, set up refreshment tables, as well as set up a system for recycling all of the material used. They helped us by collecting and loading all empty water jugs into our truck. What an amazing group of students!
With all four trucks loaded with empty 24 oz water bottles, full 24 oz water bottles, and dozens of empty 1 gallon water jugs, we were all ready to head back to NYC. Mission accomplished.
Thank you Philadelphia for being awesome!
Current Collection
Total Empty 16 oz/24 oz bottles: 15,088
Full 16 oz/24 oz: 11,880
Empty 1 gallon Jugs: 3,527
Still To Collect
Empty 16 oz /24 oz bottles: 26, 032
Empty 1 gallon jugs: 9, 973
If you would like to become part of the Head in the Clouds team or become part of the bottle collection initiative, please fill out this very short sign up sheet.
For General information, click here.
Stay tuned for more Head in the Clouds news, bottle collection efforts, and recaps!
Rocket Osborne
Project Manager
A special thank you to: StudioKCA Jason Klimoski, Cory Zwerlien, Brian Chu; Amanda Zwerlien, Carla Clifford, Martin Schiff, Zeut Ryot Space Pirate, Teejay Feejay Space Pirate,Cynthia Weatherford, Magdalena Lejman, Michelle Okeon, David Parrott, Ravi Patel + Highschoolers, and Tracey Olkus for being our wonderful Philly hostess!!!
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